2026 coming soon

Kids Race

Registration: Free

Date: March 15th
Time: 10am to 1pm
Course: 200m to 800m

The little ones will be the main protagonists in the children's races of the Zurich Marató Barcelona.
All competitors will also receive a medal for their hard work and refreshments to help them recover.


Bib number pick up
You shall pick up your bib number to Pavilion 2, on March 13th from 3pm to 8pm 14th from 10am to 8pm and 15 March at the start of the race at Arc de Triomf from 8am to 9.30am


  • U6 (2020 - 2021): 200-meter race.
  • U8 (2018 - 2019): 400-meter race.
  • U10 (2016 - 2017): 400-meter race.
  • U12 (2014 - 2015): 600-meter race.
  • U14 (2012 - 2013): 600-meter race.
  • U16 (2010 - 2011): 800-meter race.

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