March 16th 2025

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24 de November de 2022

The Zurich Marató Barcelona gets the IAAF Gold Label 

  • The Barcelona race receives the prestigious label for 2023, which is reserved only for the best road races in athletics.
  • Only races that meet very demanding requirements are eligible for this label.

The next edition of the race will take place next 19th of March. Registration is now open on the race website,

24.11.2022 – The Zurich Marató Barcelona is in luck. The Barcelona Marathon takes another step forward in its quality status and achieves for the next edition in 2023 the highest distinction awarded by the International Association of Athletics Federations (IAAF) to athletics road races, the Gold Label. This race meets all the requirements to be part of this select club of athletics events.

Undoubtedly, it is an important impulse for a race that gathers thousands of participants from all over the world. This distinction will represent a qualitative leap for the race and, above all, a reward for the work carried out over the last years by all the groups involved in the organisation of this event. Likewise, with this quality label, the city of Barcelona strengthens its organisational capacity for massive sporting events.

Requirements for this distinction
When a race is awarded with Gold, Silver or Bronze Label, quality and comfort parameters are guaranteed for all participants. In order for the IAAF to award these labels, races must meet a series of conditions, such as having previously received the Silver Label and in 2022 an Elite Label, which is the case of the Barcelona race.

One of the most demanding requisites is to guarantee the high sporting level of the elite athletes. Events with a major elite, but also with high-level services for popular runners (refreshment points, physiotherapy and recovery services, etc.).
Also, the Zurich Marató Barcelona has the World Athletics International Measurement Certificate, which means that all the times will be recorded in the race will be recognised by World Athletics and will count towards the World Ranking.

Sporting requirements for Gold Label races
Gold Label races must have at least five athletes per gender (regardless of Country/Territory) with Gold Label status or above on the start list. These are athletes who are classified as gold level elites. These athletes must, at the same time, meet a number of sporting requirements in recent months in IAAF competitions.

For events of this category, this implies the guarantee of a high competitive level. In addition, 10 doping control tests will be carried out, 5 for men and 5 for women.

Calender of Label Races 2023
This November, the Label Races race calendar scheduled between 1st of January and 30th of September 2023 was made public. The final calendar for 2023 will be completed in the second half of January.

Appearing already in this calendar, the next edition of the Zurich Marató Barcelona will return to its traditional date next 19th of March. A date strategically chosen so that its participants can live in Barcelona the best possible experience: a flat, fast, 100% urban circuit, with the perfect weather to run and together with thousands of participants from all over the world.

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