March 16th 2025

Official countdown

29 de January de 2025

The Zurich Marató Barcelona 2025 will once again be the Championship of Catalonia for the marathon for the second consecutive year

Additionally, in 2025, the Barcelona marathon will also be both the Catalan and National Marathon Championship.

The 46th Zurich Marató Barcelona will also be the 47th Championship of Catalonia for the Marathon. The organization and the Catalan Athletics Federation have renewed the agreement for the massive event, which will take place in the Catalan capital with a historical record of 27,000 registered runners, to once again serve as the Catalan Marathon Championship for the 42.195 km distance in 2025.

At the same time, the Barcelona marathon will also host the National Marathon Championship this year. Once again, the Championship of Catalonia for the Marathon will be held within the Barcelona marathon on March 16th. In 2024, the winner in the men’s absolute category was Artur Bossy (02:19:11h) and in the women’s absolute category, Jessica Tipán (02:48:21h).

Among the athletes expected to compete, aside from Artur Bossy and Jessica Tipán, we must also consider Xavi Tomasa, Rebeca Suárez, and Carles Montllor, other athletes who have earned medals in Catalan Marathon Championships.

Federated athletes, through their clubs, must register on the Call Room of the RFEA and also on the organizer’s platform, the Zurich Marató Barcelona. They must be properly registered on both platforms. Soon, the link with the rules for the Championship of Catalonia for the Marathon will be available on the website of the Catalan Athletics Federation.

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