March 16th 2025

Official countdown

30 de May de 2024

The eDreams Mitja Marató Barcelona 2025 reaches 5,000 registrations in one week and the Zurich Marató Barcelona 2025, 1,500 in 48 hours

The two big races in Barcelona start their registration for next year with an unprecedented rhythm.

Just one week after opening for 2025, the eDreams Mitja Marató Barcelona has already 5,000 registrations for its 35th edition. A starting number never reached before in the Barcelona’s half-marathon, which this year sold out a month before its celebration with 28,000 runners to become the most crowded half-marathon in our country and the second in Europe, that next year will take place next 16th of February.

The Zurich Marató Barcelona 2025 has also joined this good pace of registrations, which in the first 48 hours of the opening of registrations has already sold 1,500 bibs, doubling the number of the previous year at this point. For its part, Barcelona’s great running festival aims to surpass this year’s figures in its 46th edition next 16th of March.

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