2026 coming soon

Location:Fira de Barcelona,pavilion 2
Address:Carrer de Lleida 26, Barcelona

Thursday 13/03
15:00h to 20:00h

Friday 14/03 and Saturday 15/03
09:00h to 20:00h

The biggest Expo sport

The Expo Sports is the best meeting point between runners of the Zurich Marató Barcelona and any running enthusiast.

You may discover the most recent information from the industry's top brands.

Athletes' discussions, interviews, debates, and other events of great interest to sports fans will all be available for you to attend.

Invite your loved ones, close friends, or training partners to the fair without the need for them to be registered for the event.

We are waiting for you!

Barcelona Running Weekend

Get around Barcelona with TMB during the Zurich Marató Barcelona weekend.

Are you looking forward to 2025?

A global change starts with a first individual step. Accept the challenge of the Zurich Marató Barcelona 2025.

Dare to surpass yourself.

Title Sponsor


Sustainable official provisioning

Official Partner

Official Timing Partner

Official Hotel

Official Supplier

Charity Partner

Media Partner

Sustainable event