29 de April de 2022
Use the discount and visit the Museu Olímpic de l’Esport
Experience the magic of the sport. Enjoy the exclusive 25% discount until May 15 and visit the Olympic Sports Museum with the code #museuolimpic-maratoBCN
Ticket sales: https://www.museuolimpicbcn.cat/ca/compra-entrades/
Discover the entire ecosystem of the Barcelona Olympic Foundation – Olympic Museum
The Museu Olímpic i de l’Esport Joan Antoni Samaranch is located on Montjuïc hill, and offers a unique experience of the Olympic movement and sport. the city’s passion to sports reached its pinnacle with 1992 Barcelona’s Olympics.
This innovative museum provides its visitors with an overview of the different sport disciplines that exist today, using state-of-the art technology and interactive exhibitions, as well as multimedia installations.
New technologies play an important role in the museum’s content and exhibitions, and the vast potential of its interactive displays means visitors can experience sport as never before.
Enjoy sport, enjoy Barcelona Olympic Museum!
WEB: https://www.museuolimpicbcn.cat/ca/
Ticket sales: https://www.museuolimpicbcn.cat/ca/compra-entrades/
Instagram: @fundació_barcelona_olímpica #MuseuOlimpicBCN
Facebook i twitter: @Museuolimpicbcn
Canal Youtube:
- Pasaje del deporte: https://youtu.be/jbUXxpeiJUI
- Pioneros del deporte: https://youtu.be/FAZfOY1tyg4
- Hall de la fama: https://youtu.be/vMrJDqEHwxw
- Barcelona ’92: https://youtu.be/EtUOLHXPq7Q
- Dinámicas del Deporte: https://youtu.be/pf4_39WO4EY
- Espacio del Motor: https://youtu.be/7uXgFbyDvSQ
- Hall de entrada: https://youtu.be/XfduXPIiDoY